Re: zvg settings and issues

From: Lewis D'Aubin <>
Date: Mon Mar 29 2010 - 16:58:34 EDT

Chad Gray wrote:
> You can get crafty with your VM.BAT file for game specific settings, e.g.
> if %1 == sundance goto sundance

BIG Thanks for this info!!!

> Ian did indeed lose the source to the Vector Menu. After a conversation
> with him before Xmas, Ian kindly sent me what little routines and test
> programs he still had, along with the co-ordinates for the manufacturer
> and Mame logos. I started writing a new menu from scratch, some grainy
> pics here:

That's promising to be a very pretty looking menu!!! Please keep all of
us up on the progress, should you finish it... (I'm especially
interested because with my Cine monitor, you only get two levels of
intensity, and the highlight does NOT show correctly on the current menu.

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