>no schems to hand here, but i would suggest checking the +/15v DC
>when the sizing pot is at minimum and at maximum. I would do the
>same for the +/-6.8v Zeners (i've had similar results with
>zeners)... they key here would be to observe reference voltages on a
>scope while adjusting the pot and look for anomolies. Same for
>almost anything else, you should see where the distortion starts
>along the chain, using the y-axis as a working reference circuit for
>how things should act when the pot is adjusted.
I'll give it a shot.
>My gut feeling on this fault is one of the TL op-amps failing
>marginally, or losing its reference voltage somehow.
That sounds likely. Of course, I probably should have just swapped
them out in the first place, but this board had a stack of faulty
chips and I was getting sick and tired of replacing one after another.
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Received on Sat Mar 13 04:49:17 2010
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