Re: Atari board differences by cabinet type?

Date: Mon Apr 19 2010 - 13:02:48 EDT

Cocktail power bricks had a copper band around the main transformer and also a galvanized steel jacket around the transformer, this is to reduce the magnetic field playing games with the deflectrion coils/crt. I found this out the hard way, if the steel jacket from around the outside is removed you get a bad wobble on a vector monitor, the jacket is glued in place and for some reason had been removed from my game.

--- On Mon, 19/4/10, Mark Shostak <> wrote:

From: Mark Shostak <>
Subject: Re: VECTOR: Atari board differences by cabinet type?
To: "" <>
Date: Monday, 19 April, 2010, 16:14

MH (re: xtal freq.)

Sent from my iPhone so delivery may be delayed due to AT&T network congestion.

On Apr 19, 2010, at 8:59 AM, Joseph Magiera <> wrote:

Does anyone know of any hardware or software differences that exist for any Atari vector game that the differences are based on or because of the cabinet type, i.e., upright, cocktail, cockpit, cabaret?  I know there are differences for Eliminator (Sega) but I don't think I've ever heard of any for Atari.  Anyone?

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