Thanks, that is useful information. Is it not possible to remove a
glued on raster yoke and replace it with an original amplifone one?
(assuming one can be located) I've seen a few of these A48AAB13X02
tubes around.
On Sun, May 15, 2011 at 11:29 PM, Rodger Boots <> wrote:
> Almost no chance it would work in a vector monitor. The 02 at the end of
> the tube number indicates it probably comes with a yoke glued on. Great for
> convergence (not adjustable, done at the factory), but guaranteed to be a
> raster yoke.
> On May 14, 2011 9:53 PM, "Xyla DuVal" <> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Someone is selling a medium res monitor on KLOV, and in the photo you
>> can see the tube model. Its a little hard to make out, but it seems
>> to say A48AAB13X02. Here is the post:
>> I can't find any information on this tube that confirms it really is
>> medium res, but if it is I am wondering what the chances are that it
>> could be used in an Amplifone instead of the M48AAW00X. I'm guessing
>> that there is probably some reason it won't work since I can't find
>> any information to suggest it will. According to the chart at
>> it is a CR-23(Fat neck/standard), but
>> I don't know what kind of neck the M48AAW00X has. The fact it is
>> listed on that chart is the main reason I am questioning whether it is
>> even a real medium res tube... why would an old RCA TV be medium res?
>> Does anyone have any thoughts on this? I'd love to be able to put
>> together an Amplifone but it seems questionable that I will be able to
>> find an M48AAW00X any time soon.
>> Thanks!
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