RE: Anybody got a source for or extra Electohome G08 IC 900s?

From: Clay Cowgill <>
Date: Fri Mar 23 2012 - 00:25:59 EDT

> I don't have any Sega games, so I'm not the person for the
> job, but I hear Clay does this kind of thing, and he does it well. :-)

I suppose one of us should look into that at some point... It's one of the
few parts there that doesn't have a relatively simple cross or alternate. I
think I'm down to one working G08 at this point myself. *gulp*

BTW, I did get the production run of WG6100 Display Correctors done a while
back. (I even finished testing a few panels out.) I just haven't had time
to get my shit together and put them up for sale, but I'll try to make that
happen this month. ;-)


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