As in, you run out of travel on the pot before the tips of the diamonds are aligned. Maybe the pot was replaced with one of the wrong value?
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On Aug 29, 2012, at 11:15 AM, Kevin Moore <> wrote:
> Picture is centered. Y bip will adjust above and below center. X will adjust left and right but the center point for the adjustments is to far to the right so you never reach the left or beyond. It's always beyond the right side. It has full range of adjust.
> I hope that explains it better.
> Kevin
> On Aug 29, 2012 10:12 AM, "Rodger Boots" <> wrote:
> Are you talking about X BIP not working correctly (never mind if picture centering is correct) or do you really have a centering problem?
> On Aug 28, 2012 9:04 AM, "Kevin Moore" <> wrote:
> What would be causes for the X bip not to be centered. I've checked all the 1% resistors, and pot. It's not that it doesn't have good range of adjust me, it's just that it's center is off, not allowing me to align it. Even with the bip pot at a dead short. Also the caps in the x circuit have been replaced as well. No change.
> I'm assuming Bip is all Analog..
> Kevin
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