The pot is the right value. The left side is the side when the pot is a
zero resistance. So to go further the resistance would have to be negative.
Hence the problem.
On Aug 29, 2012 10:34 AM, "Douglas Gauck" <> wrote:
> As in, you run out of travel on the pot before the tips of the diamonds
> are aligned. Maybe the pot was replaced with one of the wrong value?
> Sent from my iPad
> On Aug 29, 2012, at 11:15 AM, Kevin Moore <> wrote:
> Picture is centered. Y bip will adjust above and below center. X will
> adjust left and right but the center point for the adjustments is to far to
> the right so you never reach the left or beyond. It's always beyond the
> right side. It has full range of adjust.
> I hope that explains it better.
> Kevin
> On Aug 29, 2012 10:12 AM, "Rodger Boots" <> wrote:
>> Are you talking about X BIP not working correctly (never mind if picture
>> centering is correct) or do you really have a centering problem?
>> On Aug 28, 2012 9:04 AM, "Kevin Moore" <> wrote:
>>> What would be causes for the X bip not to be centered. I've checked all
>>> the 1% resistors, and pot. It's not that it doesn't have good range of
>>> adjust me, it's just that it's center is off, not allowing me to align it.
>>> Even with the bip pot at a dead short. Also the caps in the x circuit have
>>> been replaced as well. No change.
>>> I'm assuming Bip is all Analog..
>>> Kevin
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