Re: sencore cr70 repair

From: Ken Sumrall <>
Date: Wed Feb 27 2013 - 16:44:53 EST

Someone on eBay is selling a CD with scans of the ops/set-up/service manuals
for the CR70. I dunno if it includes the info you're looking for, but he
claims it includes:

FULL SIZE, 22 X 17 SCANS OF THE SCHEMATIC (No piece meal jigsaw puzzle partial
Electronic page numbering = actual page numbering (1-1, 1-2, 1-3 etc)
Operator Manual 56-pages in a 7-MB PDF format file
Set-Up Manual, 330-pages in a 7-MB PDF format file, Later Printing #7131
Service Manual 9-pages in a 2-MB PDF format file

Here is a link to it:

I just got a CR70 on eBay. I haven't had time to play with it yet, or even
figure out what manuals came with it. Once I do that, I may get a copy of
this CD too.


On 02/25/2013 02:41 PM, Joey Oravec wrote:
> I finally dug into my Sencore CR70. Looks like IC4 (TL084 quad opamp) was dead.
> The problem is that after replacing IC4 it's no longer calibrated and it's
> failing the test procedure. The voltage on G1/G2 is supposed to swing from 20 to
> 400 volts but it's actually swinging from 80 to about 460 volts.
> Can anybody help explain the purpose of pots R24, R23, and how I might want to
> adjust them to recalibrate the unit properly? It looks like I need to adjust
> both of these but I don't know how.
> -joey
> On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 10:45 AM, Joey Oravec <
> <>> wrote:
> I got ahold of Sencore today. Unfortunately (like I expected) the CR70 is
> "obsolete and we cannot accept it for repair". The lady was pretty nice and
> she's looking around to see if there's any service information or a
> calibration procedure, but it's not too optimistic.
> I already have the schematics, parts list, and manual but there are various
> pots that surely need adjustment after changing out components. Hopefully
> she finds that procedure.
> -joey
> On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 3:02 PM, Louis Srianomai <
> <>> wrote:
> I sent mine in to sencore itself a few years back. With return shipping
> it was a couple hundred bucks.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Joey Oravec < <>>
> *To:* <>
> *Sent:* Monday, January 14, 2013 11:55 AM
> *Subject:* VECTOR: sencore cr70 repair
> Does anybody know of somewhere in the USA that can repair and calibrate
> Sencore CR70 CRT rejuvinators? Mine has something wrong on the green
> cutoff test. The needle spikes low and cannot be adjusted.
> I'd consider digging in and trying to fix it, but there are a bunch of
> adjustable pots and I didn't see a calibration or self-test procedure in
> the user manual or the repair manual. Without a self-test or calibration
> it seems like a shotgun repair might end up doing it more harm than good.
> -joey
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