With scopes disconnected, if you are not seeing the 'dot' in the center
of the screen until you press 'beam find', it means that you have to
adjust the position dials to bring dot onto the screen. Once you have
the dot centered, then connect the probes to the game X & Y. Be aware
that the image could appear on the screen as rotated (X & Y swapped) or
with X and/or Y inverted. Vector games tend to bring the beam back to
the center of the screen quite often so regardless of the sensitivity
(volts/div), you should seen lines sprouting out from center. Also be
aware that you will see all of the retrace lines because you have no way
to connect the Z channel.
William Boucher
On 10/20/2013 7:22 PM, Joel Griffin Dodd wrote:
> Yep nothing I do seems to show the image without holding down find
> beam. And qhen the image does show its not the image on a regular monitor
> On Oct 20, 2013 1:00 PM, "Rodger Boots" <rlboots2@gmail.com
> <mailto:rlboots2@gmail.com>> wrote:
> Try putting trigger on LINE. Not really ideal, but scope may be
> blanking and this would give it something to trigger on to force
> it to unblank.
> On Oct 20, 2013 2:18 PM, "Joel Griffin Dodd"
> <griffindodd@gmail.com <mailto:griffindodd@gmail.com>> wrote:
> Thanks guys, I managed to get this, but only by continuously
> holding down find beam...
> https://www.dropbox.com/s/57qhj420d7yydxo/Star%20Wars%20lives.mp4
> On Sun, Oct 20, 2013 at 11:05 AM, IAN EURE <ieure@mac.com
> <mailto:ieure@mac.com>> wrote:
> On Oct 20, 2013, at 10:12 AM, Joel Griffin Dodd
> <griffindodd@gmail.com <mailto:griffindodd@gmail.com>> wrote:
> > I'm tryjng to use my oscope as a vector monitor to check
> my star wars boards.
> >
> > For those of you that do this coild you tell me your
> settings. I have a 100mhz 2 channel tektronix 2337 and 1x
> - 10x 100mhz probes.
> >
> > I set the scope to XY input and see the trigger light on
> but can't seem to get any image. I have plenty of activity
> on my x and y outs on my board. Also do I ground my probes
> to the board when doing this
> >
> Yes, if your probes have the ground clips, you need to put
> those onto ground test loops. I don't know about Star
> Wars, but there are a few ground test loops around the
> vector output section of Tempest boards.
> Otherwise, most Tek scopes have a banana plug where you
> can plug in a ground, you can connect that to any ground
> on the PCB.
> Without ground, you will get an image, but it will be
> distorted and move around instead of steady.
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