Re: Using an oscope as a monitor

From: Joel Griffin Dodd <>
Date: Sun Oct 20 2013 - 20:15:10 EDT

Thanks guys. Maybe I do have the brightness too low.

Bill thanks for shipping out the AVG CPU looking forward to receiving it.
 On Oct 20, 2013 4:56 PM, "William Boucher" <> wrote:

> With scopes disconnected, if you are not seeing the 'dot' in the center
> of the screen until you press 'beam find', it means that you have to adjust
> the position dials to bring dot onto the screen. Once you have the dot
> centered, then connect the probes to the game X & Y. Be aware that the
> image could appear on the screen as rotated (X & Y swapped) or with X
> and/or Y inverted. Vector games tend to bring the beam back to the center
> of the screen quite often so regardless of the sensitivity (volts/div), you
> should seen lines sprouting out from center. Also be aware that you will
> see all of the retrace lines because you have no way to connect the Z
> channel.
> William Boucher
> On 10/20/2013 7:22 PM, Joel Griffin Dodd wrote:
> Yep nothing I do seems to show the image without holding down find beam.
> And qhen the image does show its not the image on a regular monitor
> On Oct 20, 2013 1:00 PM, "Rodger Boots" <> wrote:
>> Try putting trigger on LINE. Not really ideal, but scope may be blanking
>> and this would give it something to trigger on to force it to unblank.
>> On Oct 20, 2013 2:18 PM, "Joel Griffin Dodd" <>
>> wrote:
>>> Thanks guys, I managed to get this, but only by continuously holding
>>> down find beam...
>>> On Sun, Oct 20, 2013 at 11:05 AM, IAN EURE <> wrote:
>>>> On Oct 20, 2013, at 10:12 AM, Joel Griffin Dodd <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> > I'm tryjng to use my oscope as a vector monitor to check my star wars
>>>> boards.
>>>> >
>>>> > For those of you that do this coild you tell me your settings. I have
>>>> a 100mhz 2 channel tektronix 2337 and 1x - 10x 100mhz probes.
>>>> >
>>>> > I set the scope to XY input and see the trigger light on but can't
>>>> seem to get any image. I have plenty of activity on my x and y outs on my
>>>> board. Also do I ground my probes to the board when doing this
>>>> >
>>>> Yes, if your probes have the ground clips, you need to put those onto
>>>> ground test loops. I don't know about Star Wars, but there are a few ground
>>>> test loops around the vector output section of Tempest boards.
>>>> Otherwise, most Tek scopes have a banana plug where you can plug in a
>>>> ground, you can connect that to any ground on the PCB.
>>>> Without ground, you will get an image, but it will be distorted and
>>>> move around instead of steady.
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