Battlezone game mode vector mess

From: David Shoemaker <>
Date: Sun Oct 20 2013 - 22:32:46 EDT

Working on a BZ boardset.


Self test passes clean and has a nice stable picture.


Fluke shows all roms / rams good (including long ram test).


Known good Aux board and cable.


Swapped the state machine prom with known good.


Game mode runs fine but the vectors are only about 50% correct. It's like
each "frame" draws to some point then loose there mind going scrambled (IE
when it's showing the HS's they are all fine but most of the rest of the
screen is garbage.


A short clip of what I am seeing is attached.


I have being going over the vector state machine with a B&K logic comparator
but no luck on anything solid.


Suggestions welcome.


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