RE: Yet another interest poll...

From: jeff hendrix <jhendrix_at_Quark.Com>
Date: Thu Oct 15 1998 - 16:10:24 EDT

You're right, you can put any board in any slot, just as long as you don't
smash tall components against the board in front of it, or stretch cables
real tight (ie. you should probably put the xy pair in adjacent slots)


-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Rossiter - Verio Southern California
Sent: Thursday, October 15, 1998 12:51 PM
To: ''
Subject: Re: Yet another interest poll...

This question is *REAAAALLY* off the subject and nothing to do with vector
games or games. - Buuuut, anybody know off hand a good source of
schematics for old B/W SUN monitors?

Just to make this e-mail appropriate for vectorlist, I will say (after
fiddling around with Space Fury last night) that I don't think it matters
what order you put the PCBs in (In the slot box). The traces behind the
slot board run
underneath each slot equally. I did put the CPU board first - and the
game worked. Maybe that's why they were too clear on the ordering.
*PLEASE* correct me if I'm wrong. I wouldn't want to damage someone's
game with my suggestion.

Good day....


> P.S. Got a "forsale"... Anyone want a hard-cover book "Troubleshooting
> and Repairing Computer Monitors" by Stephen Biglow? Good general
> purpose book for Raster monitor repair-- and the theory parts help
> understand HV generation and deflection and CRT types. Pretty much
> technician level, covers threory, tools, techniques. I have two for
> some reason. $20 + $3 shipping. (Amazon has a write-up at
> mine is the first edition though...)
Received on Thu Oct 15 15:13:16 1998

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