Vectorlist Archives By Subject
- "other" connector boards
- $33 vector tubes
- (Hopefully) simple Battle Zone problem
- AD561 DACs: Last Call
- Amplifone HV adjustment
- Amplifone vs G-08 tube?
- Anyone fix Tempest's in the Chicago region?
- Anyone need replacement DACs?
- AVG Controller Replacement...
- AVG Replacements/Spinner/CPU Get Well boards...
- Black Widow
- BZ Mathbox prom part #
- Cine Exorcisor
- DACs Available
- DACs/PCB's/etc...
- Dedicate Major Havoc rollers
- Deflection amplifiers...
- Eproms
- Exidy Vertigo
- EXOR_MAN.pdf
- FAQ for WG19V2000?
- Fixing a SD->MH conversion
- FS Video games in Baltimore
- FS: Space Wars/Battlezone
- Gregg's Atari X/Y DOC
- HELP......Dead Board
- Help: Tempest monitor problems
- HELP:WG color vector troubleshooting
- How to find Cocktail Underlays
- Interesting Tidbit about Red Baron
- Kinda not vector...
- Looking for 13" XY colour tube...
- Major Havoc help (was: Vectrex on Vector Monitor?)
- Need reference #'s for Quantum DAC's Please
- Need Star Castle Help
- Omega Race backdrop on upright?
- Picture tubes
- Please help with Quantum board troubles
- Progress!
- Quantum picture crooked, spot killer flickers...
- Question about Electrohome G08 X-Y monitor
- Removing monitor yoke
- ROM burner
- Scanning & PDF's
- Sega Multigame default game
- Sega PS -- which plug is which ?
- Sega XY Game Question
- ST PS -- one more question
- Star Wars HV unit over-voltage
- Sticking a 25 inch Amplifone into a Gravitar Cabinet?
- TECH Q: W-G deflection PCB in Space Duel
- Tech: Florescent lights
- Tempest Picture Tube
- Testing a G-08 color vector mon itor)
- Testing a G-08 color vector monitor
- Testing a G-08 color vector monitor)
- univid 1000
- vector article in SIGGraph
- vector monitor specs...
- Vector transistors
- Vectorlist Info
- Wells Garner Display tubes
- WG color XY problem
- WG color XY problem (additional info)
- WG Color XY Tubes
- Where is the archive?
- WTB(OR) Star Wars
- X2212's and DACs...
- Yet another interest poll...
- Last message date: Sat Oct 31 1998 - 15:04:11 EST
- Archived on: Fri Aug 01 2003 - 00:32:43 EDT