RE: Picture tubes

From: Paul Tonizzo <>
Date: Wed Oct 28 1998 - 09:44:10 EST

>> In my quest to replace a WG6100 XY tube, I've come across a Disco
>> monitor with Phillips tube# 19VKUP22 and was wondering if someone
>> could
>> tell
>> me if the neck tube pinouts are the same as the 19VLUP22 (6100 tube).
>> I am aware that convergence may be an issue but hey, it's worth a
>> shot.
>> I've looked through Deja News and the usual sources but here doesn't
>> seem
>> to be a central resource for neck tube pinouts.
>I'll throw in my $.02 here...

Thanks! :')

>>That's the same tube that's in my I,Robot. I successfully
>>frankensteined a GO7 chassis on it, including the neckboard, so the
>>pinout should be the same. The plastic "mating" connector on the end of
>>the tube was different though, so you'll likely need to remove/alter

Yes, I did notice that. Last night upon closer examination, there appear
to be
2 more pins from the necktube than the 19VLUP22 had. Picture a clock with
pin at 12:00 and 7 pins around the clock starting at 3:00 and ending at
9:00 for
a total of 8 pins.

The Disco tube has the following arrangement:
1 pin at 12:00 and 9 pins around the clock starting at 2:00 and ending at
10:00 for
a total of 10 pins.

So there are 2 extra pins! They are likely not used but I'm curious what
you did to
transplant the tube to the GO-7 as the GO-7 schematics seems to show only 7
total as well.

>I really like the tube-- nice dark color phosphor coating (compared to a
>"stock" GO7 tube anyway) and relatively flat screen. Might make a nice
>vector monitor! (Dunno if the shape of the neck is sufficiently
>different to cause any problems with the yoke though...)

It is a really nice tube - best of all, there are likely tons of them
hanging around as operators had Disco chassis board failures constantly.
(My operator contact has several on a shelf).

Received on Wed Oct 28 08:37:02 1998

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