> In my quest to replace a WG6100 XY tube, I've come across a Disco
> monitor with Phillips tube# 19VKUP22 and was wondering if someone
> could
> tell
> me if the neck tube pinouts are the same as the 19VLUP22 (6100 tube).
> I am aware that convergence may be an issue but hey, it's worth a
> shot.
> I've looked through Deja News and the usual sources but here doesn't
> seem
> to be a central resource for neck tube pinouts.
I'll throw in my $.02 here...
That's the same tube that's in my I,Robot. I successfully
frankensteined a GO7 chassis on it, including the neckboard, so the
pinout should be the same. The plastic "mating" connector on the end of
the tube was different though, so you'll likely need to remove/alter
I really like the tube-- nice dark color phosphor coating (compared to a
"stock" GO7 tube anyway) and relatively flat screen. Might make a nice
vector monitor! (Dunno if the shape of the neck is sufficiently
different to cause any problems with the yoke though...)
Received on Tue Oct 27 13:13:18 1998
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