Re: Tempest Spinner Question

From: Miranda K. Collins <>
Date: Tue Feb 09 1999 - 19:43:13 EST

Some people like the sound?!??! Are we talking about the same sound?

I am talking about the one that sounds like a saw!!!

On Tue, 9 Feb 1999, Al Kossow wrote:

> "I always thought that sound was from worn bearings."
> I hope this doesn't start the 'chatter vs non-chatter'
> flame war again.. some people like the sound, some don't.
> The sound comes from wear on the support sleeve, which
> gradially becomes elipitcal instead of circular due to
> lack of lubrication wearing it down. Teflon lubricant
> takes care of the problem (if you consider it a problem..)
Received on Tue Feb 9 18:43:54 1999

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