Re: Devastating news on the Atari promo videos...ughhh!!!!!

From: <>
Date: Mon Jul 24 2000 - 00:12:59 EDT

>>The lesson most often re-learned in arcade games when purchasing:
Make the deal NOW. Don't wait for the other end to...<<

>>Well, I'm pissed. I talked to the seller on the phone twice this week, I
> even asked him if he wanted me to send him a postal M.O. in advance. He
> "don't worry about it, I'll just get cash from you on Friday."<<

      I did make the deal, he said that they were mine, and that I could
bring in my $100 on Friday. I even did work for this guy years ago. I would
have got them immediately, but the place is 3 hrs from my house.

       I talked to the operator who had the videos today, and he told me
he'll call if he gets them back. I also mentioned to him that he would get
"much more" money from me if he could get them. He said "I'll do what I can
to get them for you."

I'll let the group know what happens.

Still depressred,
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Received on Mon Jul 24 00:26:08 2000

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