>BUT... New vector monitor parts could start a pretty good fire and/or
>possibly kill someone (granted, probably as a result of operator error, but
>that doesn't have much meaning in a country where an electric iron carries a
>warning "do not use while sleeping"). Sad to say, but in the
>litigation-happy USA anyone attempting this would be wise to get a couple
>million dollar umbrella insurance policy just in case. (I doubt anyone here
>would go after anyone else due to an accident, but it's the 2nd, 3rd, and
>4th owners that could really make your life hell if something bad happened
>and they decided to extract their pound of flesh in the form of a lawsuit.)
Well, yes, but... technically, that would _also_ mean that the 2nd,
3rd, or 4th oweners of a game could go after you even if all you did was
_repair_ a monitor, using the exact same parts as the original did, on the
dubious grounds that "you didn't do it right". (And then again, then
nth-generation owner might sue you for _not_ fixing it!) Carried to its
(il)logical extreme, we don't dare do _anything_ except stand perfectly
motionless and inert in the middle of an empty room... and some idiot'll
probably find an excuse to sue you for doing _that_, too.
*sigh* Shakespeare only had it half-right. "The first thing we do,
let's kill all the lawyers." ... and second, kill all the greedy,
semi-literate, room-temperature-IQ Jerry Springer addicts who _use_ those
laywers to turn life's every little misfortune into a potential lottery
Scientists decode the first confirmed alien transmission from outer space...
"This really works! Just send 5*10^50 atoms of hydrogen to each of the five
star systems listed below. Then, add your own system to the top of the list,
delete the system at the bottom, and send out copies of this message to 100
other solar systems. If you follow these instructions, within 0.25 of a
galactic rotation you are guaranteed to recieve enough hydrogen in return to
power your civilization until entropy reaches its maximum!"
solarfox@DON'TMESSWITHtexas.net (Gary Akins jr.)
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Received on Mon Sep 11 22:12:20 2000
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