Re: HV transformers

From: <>
Date: Sat Sep 16 2000 - 11:11:40 EDT

In a message dated 9/15/00 11:33:17 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

<< No, the only difference was the lack of quality control when the
transformers were made. Has anyone had a Wintron transformer go bad?

Only ONE that I've ever heard of, I believe this was Jess' ??

Jess if your on this, was it your Penn Trans that went or the later model
WinTron?? Wasn't it caused by a bad MCI?

The modern WinTron HVT's are made VERY well. Aside from only one known one
failing, the WinTron people really do stand behind them. Save all your
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Received on Sat Sep 16 11:17:34 2000

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