RE: Vector games on a laser!

From: Rosenzweig, Joel B <>
Date: Wed Oct 25 2000 - 08:58:32 EDT

> Still though, makes me want to go buy the required stuff! ;-)

I'm glad I'm not the only one reading all this and saying, "Hmmm.. laser
projection system? I could go for one of those! Where do I sign up?!" :-)
I just wish I left a large un-used wall in the arcade! Though, I am working
on the rest of the basement now, so maybe I should change my plans and add a
vector projection wall ... hmmm.

I have to admit, the pictures were quite exciting to see. When I watched
the 12MB video I started salivating. Though, I can wait until the vectors
are cleaner, crisper, the right colors, and more importantly, Tempest and
Star Wars are working correctly before I go out and buy mine. But it looks
like this technology is going to happen soon.

What I'm a bit curious about is that D/A device that takes the MAME digital
vector data output and converts that to +/- 10V suitable for a real vector
monitor. That alone seems like an interesting experiment to have MAME drive
a real display. I'm just thinking that some day, when that last custom IC
is no longer replaceable, (and Clay has better things to do than reverse
engineer one more chip and reproduce it for us) it will be nice to be able
to run the games almost as intended on the original display, even if the
original game hardware is long gone. This assumes that as the serious
vector collectors that we are, we each have a life time supply of vector
monitors and monitor parts. :-) At least the monitors don't seem to break
if they are just sitting on a shelf. I wish I could say the same for a
video game board. I guess I'm also assuming that some computing platform
that can run some version of MAME will also exist by then, but you get the


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