
From: Dans <>
Date: Thu Nov 09 2000 - 19:22:11 EST

What is it with everyone on the list having problems with Battlezone
machines in the past month or so?

I just picked up a caberet last night that powers up (start button flashes,
flourecent light comes on), coins up, but then starts randomly coining
itself up after a few seconds. Nothing is ever displayed on the screen, nor
do I hear any game sounds other than the coin counters clicking. If I turn
the brightness of the monitor up I get a single bright spot in the center of
the screen.

Thoughts? Is there an online archive of this mailing list somewhere that I
can go nab all of the BZ discussions that have been going on for the past
couple of months? Otherwise I'm going to start hassling everyone with
quesitons that have probably already been asked!


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