Re: Archive?

From: John Robertson <>
Date: Thu Nov 09 2000 - 00:45:08 EST

I have most of '99 archived, have you a fast connection? It's a few
megs...I could send it to you...

John :-#)#

At 11:22 AM 11/10/00, Dans wrote:
>What is it with everyone on the list having problems with Battlezone
>machines in the past month or so?
>I just picked up a caberet last night that powers up (start button flashes,
>flourecent light comes on), coins up, but then starts randomly coining
>itself up after a few seconds. Nothing is ever displayed on the screen, nor
>do I hear any game sounds other than the coin counters clicking. If I turn
>the brightness of the monitor up I get a single bright spot in the center of
>the screen.
>Thoughts? Is there an online archive of this mailing list somewhere that I
>can go nab all of the BZ discussions that have been going on for the past
>couple of months? Otherwise I'm going to start hassling everyone with
>quesitons that have probably already been asked!
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Received on Thu Nov 9 19:56:52 2000

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