Re: Re: Vector: Asteroids a wierd one....

From: Matt J. McCullar <>
Date: Tue Nov 28 2000 - 10:10:22 EST

I forgot to mention...

Yes, the 36 VAC operates the AVG section of the board. It is rectified by
four diodes, and smoothed out by filter caps and voltage regulators. The
DACs, op-amps, etc. in the video section won't work without it.

Atari changed this a little later on with their color vector games. On
_Tempest_, _Gravitar_, _Space Duel_, etc., the inputs to the video power
supply are just + and - 22 VDC. That goes through a couple of 15-volt
regulators, and from there to the chips. It's easier to connect a bench-top
power supply with these, rather than drag out that bulky transformer.

The Allied transformer we use (I'll see if I can get the original number
later today at work) is slightly larger than your fist and will easily fit
into your game cabinet. I'll also see if I can provide the current specs on
it, too.

Happy blasting!

Matt J. McCullar
Arlington, TX

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