Re: Testing XY Output.

From: <>
Date: Fri Oct 05 2001 - 21:43:04 EDT

    Thanks for the help. Yes, I was speaking of seeing the game on the Oscope instead of using the monitor to test the board outputs. This works on ALL vector boards, including B&W?
    Yes, it works on both color and B&W vector games. The thing about vector graphics is, when you're attaching a 'scope, you WILL see retrace lines as well as the game graphics. That is, you'll see every single line, even the ones that are normally invisible. This is because there is an intensity signal, called Z, that tells the monitor when to turn the electron beam on and off. If that signal is missing, you won't see anything on the monitor. If Z is stuck on, you'll see a spiderweb of vectors on the monitor... they all originate from the middle of the screen.
    With color X/Y games, you have three Z signals -- one for red, one for green, and one for blue.
    I'll see if I can find out about the hotel at the auction.

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