Question Regarding the Large Red Interconnect Cable on a STAR WAR S BOARDSET.

From: Stempak Arcadius-ASTEMPA1 <>
Date: Tue Sep 03 2002 - 19:42:31 EDT


 Have a rather Simple Question, but since I have not been
able to get an answer I thought I would ask all you Star Wars
Experts, out there.

 O.K. I have the Typical 3 Boardset ATARI StarWars (Vector)
Sandwich. However I am missing the Large Red Connector
on the end Cable, which Resides between the SOUND/SPEECH BOARD
and the MAIN BOARD if I recall correctly. Anyhow the Question is,
do the Big Pins that this Cable connects, Connect Up on a One for
One Basis,(Pin 1 to Pin 1, Pin 2 to Pin 2,,, etc...)??? Or
is there some kind of Swapping going on when Connecting these Pins
from Board to Board ???

 Also and just out of Curiousity what is this Cable actually used for
Does it Carry any type of Data, or just Power Connections from Board
to Board ???

 Arcadius.......... :-)

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