Asteroids rapair saga

From: MyPearl <>
Date: Mon May 19 2003 - 07:59:26 EDT

Hello group,

I've been working on my project Asteroids for a few weeks now, and I could
use a little help with it now. :)

The board (rev 4) was completely dead, watchdog resets were constantly
happening. That was fixed by installing a new CPU and ROM at D/E1. To be
safe, I replaced the 245 buffer as well.

A tip in the 'Asteroids repair enceclopedia' suggested to disconnect the
/DMAGO signal by desoldering LS43 at L6 and lifting pin 1.

Now the board does run, no more watchdog resets. In test mode, I can see two
beeps passing along on my scope (I have the board running at my bench off a
single 5V power supply). Not the sequence of six beeps, as described in the

I don't really know where to look further, so any help would be GREATLY



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